Roo and the Madsens: Furry Friends Fur-Ever Tail

“Roo, whose nickname is Roodles, is actually the third addition to our family,” says Kylee. “We adopted our second kitty Macie through Furry Friends as well about five years ago.

“We had originally wanted to meet Roo’s brother, but he was part of a bonded pair. After discussing what the fosters thought about bringing another female cat into the mix, I met Roo and instantly knew she was the perfect fit.

“Roo did great immediately! Maverick, our first male kitty, took a couple of days before he wanted to be friends with her, but now you can find them giving each other baths, wrestling and snuggled up sleeping together. She has been the best addition. She brings such joy to my husband’s and my life. Each kitty’s silly quirks keep us entertained and in love. Macie, our other female, was slower to warm up although she and Roo do get along overall. But it’s Maverick who truly loves Roo!

“When we adopted Roo, she came with several toys, one being a sparkly pom pom that she loves to carry and chase around. We also have a white shag carpet that she absolutely adores rubbing herself on. She also loves rubs from us and is a snuggler in bed every night.

“Roo has eyes that we call ‘crazy eyes’ because they always look like she’s about to get into mischief! A big talker, she has lots of little meows to let you know she’s following you around and she loves being  ‘walked’ to the room with the shag carpet so that she can roll around on it with you there.

“When she’s not sleeping in bed with us, she likes sleeping on one of the dining room chairs. I sometimes find her there in the morning.”


Furry Friends Fur-Ever Stories are compiled and written by Nomi Berger who is the bestselling author of seven novels, one work of non-fiction, two volumes of poetry, and hundreds of articles. She is a volunteer writer for Furry Friends in Vancouver, WA and also volunteers her writing skills to animal rescue groups in Canada and the USA.


Rosey and the Stepkens: Furry Friends Fur-Ever Tail