Planned Giving

What is planned giving?
Planned giving is a philanthropic strategy that enables individuals to contribute to charitable organizations through structured financial plans, often involving estate and tax planning. This approach allows donors to make significant gifts, either during their lifetime or through bequests, trusts, or other financial instruments. It often includes gifts of assets such as real estate, stocks, or life insurance, which can be tailored to both the donor's financial goals and the nonprofit’s needs.

Why is planned giving important?
For nonprofits, planned giving is crucial for several reasons. It provides a reliable source of future funding, offering financial stability and long-term sustainability. By securing commitments that extend beyond immediate donations, organizations like ours can plan and invest in programs and plans with greater confidence. Additionally, planned giving fosters deeper donor engagement by aligning personal values with the organization's mission, often resulting in more substantial and enduring support. Ultimately, it helps nonprofits build a legacy of philanthropy that can drive their growth and impact well into the future.

Before you start on your Planned Giving journey

  • Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor.

  • If you include Furry Friends in your plans, be sure to use our legal name: Furry Friends and our federal tax ID: 91-2002817

Want to find out how you can make a lasting impact for Furry Friends through
Planned Giving?