“It takes nothing away from a human to be kind to an animal.”

-Jaoquin Phoenix

Heather Finley

Volunteer Leadership, Foster Coordinator

Heather, who has been volunteering with us since December of 2022 not only helps at the spay/neuter clinic but fosters countless kitties as well!

Prior to joining Furry Friends, she had been actively involved for many years with spaying and neutering other adoptable kittens and cats. As for her biggest challenge: saying goodbye to her fosters because it never gets easier. To her, they are all purr-fect. And fostering is pretty much 24/7 since some litters require meds and extra attention.

Her favorite part about volunteering for us, she readily admits, is how quickly she fit it in – she loved it! And although she’s had so much experience both in fostering and in tending to cats’ medical needs, she appreciated those in charge for entrusting her with so much, so soon.

At home, she has four cats and one fish of her own, but in typical Heather fashion, she also has a house full of fosters! Outside of Furry Friends, she does administrative work and she previously wrote comic books! Her favorite pastime is reading, and she loves visiting Lucy the cat at Literary Leftovers, as well as Maisie and Dickens at Vintage Books.

As to why she gives back, Heather says it’s because her cats were fostered before she adopted them, and she’s happy to pay it forward now that she has the space to do so.

What is the issue you’re most passionate about?
”TNR (trap-neuter-return) and educating the public about the need to spay/neuter their pets.”

start where you are

use what you have

do what you can

start where you are • use what you have • do what you can •