“What greater gift than the love of a cat.”

-Charles Dickens

Marci Koski

Board Member, Feline Behaviorist

Dr. Marci Koski is a certified feline behavior and training consultant in Vancouver, Washington but works with cat guardians all over the world. She earned specialized and advanced certificates in Feline Training and Behavior from the Animal Behavior Institute, and established her business, Feline Behavior Solutions, in 2014. She also has a doctorate (Ph.D.) in Fishery and Wildlife Biology from Colorado State University and had a career as a biologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for over ten years, where she worked toward the conservation and recovery of threatened and endangered species. Marci has been volunteering with Furry Friends since 2014 and joined the Board of Directors in 2016; she also volunteers her time to help new adopters with any behavior concerns they have about their cats. In her spare time, Marci enjoys reading, roller skating, crochet, and playing electric bass guitar. Marci has an incredibly supportive husband (Chris) and four cats: Samantha, Oliver, Momo, and Abbey.

Having trouble with your feline friend and need Dr. Marci Koski’s help? You may reach out to Marci in any of the following ways:
Phone: (503) 927-1107 • Fax: (360) 989-1144 • Email: marci@felinebehaviorsolutions.com Or find more information on her website: www.felinebehaviorsolutions.com

start where you are

use what you have

do what you can

start where you are • use what you have • do what you can •