Jenny GrassVolunteer Spotlight

I have volunteered with Furry Friends on and off since 2010. I started at Pet Smart in Hazel Dell cleaning cages and socializing with the kitties being featured for adoption by Furry Friends there.

 I work several hours a week “behind the scenes,” doing graphic design and website maintenance. I’m currently re-designing the entire website to make it more user-friendly. In the past, I’ve done everything: from working Halfway House shifts in all three locations, attending park events and painting murals to running fundraisers and fostering kitties. (Not only have I designed many of the t-shirts and other merchandise Furry Friends sells, I’ve designed many of the logos that we use for our annual fall auction).

My favorite part about volunteering with Furry Friends is knowing that I’m making a positive difference in the lives of the homeless cats in our community through my artistic talents, time and energy! At the same time, though, my biggest challenge is wishing that I had more free time and energy to put towards helping them.

 When asked about why I give back, the answer is simple. I know that one of my purposes in life is to help homeless animals. I am passionate about advocating for them and shining a spotlight on adoption instead of paying for a bred-for-profit cat or dog.

Outside of Furry Friends, I am a full-time graphic designer, and I own an online vintage clothing store, Ranger Vintage, where I donate $1 from every sale to an animal rescue organization. I’m on Instagram and Etsy @rangervintage.

 At home, I have a couple of kitties and a wild husky mix named Otter, enjoy camping, hiking, traveling and thrift shopping for treasures.


Furry Friends Volunteer Spotlights are compiled and written by Nomi Berger who is the bestselling author of seven novels, one work of non-fiction, two volumes of poetry, and hundreds of articles. She is a volunteer writer for Furry Friends in Vancouver, WA and also volunteers her writing skills to animal rescue groups in Canada and the USA.


Sandi Long Volunteer Spotlight


Nomi Berger Volunteer Spotlight