Save the date for Phantom of the Opurrra!

September 21, 2024
at the Royal Oaks Country Club
with Auctioneer Doug Quinn

We look forward to seeing you!

Auction Donations

Do you have a donation for us?

Please click on the button below to download a donor form to complete and accompany your donation.

Want to help us solicit donations?

Do you know a business that may be interested in donating? Click below for our donation form and feel free to ask them!

Donation FAQs

What types of donations are you looking for?
Donations to the auction from businesses and generous individuals include vacation and entertainment experiences, winery tours and tastings, gift certificates to local eateries, gift baskets, pet and personal items, handmade gifts and much more. Need ideas? Check out our auction Amazon wishlist.

What is the minimum donation amount?
If you want to donate an item or experience, we ask that the value be at least $40.

When is the donation cutoff date?
We can take donations for the online portion up until the event. The in-person portion we ask to have items by August 11th.

How do I get you my donation?
To arrange for a pickup of your donation, email us at or leave a message at 360-993-1097. If you prefer to drop off your donation, you can do so at one of our many drop off locations.. Gift certificates can be mailed to: Furry Friends Auction , 6715 NE 63rd Street, Suite 450, Vancouver, WA 98661. Don’t forget to include the donation slip.



Auction: Chris Nash,

Sponsorship Information: Brandi Towner,

 or call 360-993-1097 for more information

Tuxedo Premier Sponsors

Tabby Platinum Sponsors

Calico Gold Sponsors

Red Silver Sponsors