Spice and the Leggetts: Furry Friends Fur-Ever Tail

“We wanted a female Calico breed,” Kalil says. “We also fell in love with Spice’s adorable face and soft fur.

“We adopted her about a month before moving from our apartment into a house, and Spice, along with our two other cats, Leo and Pickles, had to gradually adjust to living in our – and their -- new home.

“Spice has been a great addition to our family. We don’t have any children yet, so she is our last kitty for awhile. She was an abandoned cat and had been attacked by a feral cat before finding a home with us. Who knows if she had ever had a pleasant encounter with any cats …

“After realizing that Leo and Pickles pose no threat to her, she has warmed up to lying next to them, and they, in turn, are very eager to play with her. And although she only plays with a laser pointer at the moment, she occasionally uses the bathroom rug as a kicker toy. Oddly enough, we have kicker toys that she ignores!

“Following her own rules and demands, Spice “demands” pets on her own terms. But she now enjoys being picked up and cradled like a baby and kissed all over her head. She frequents my lap for petting and cuddling, spends quite a bit of time making her way in and out of my lap during my days off, and when she’s on my lap, she purrs like a car engine.

“Spice will find me in the bathroom and will casually walk around, then, out of the blue, she’ll leap onto our bathroom rug and begin pawing and using it as a kicker! She has outbursts of energy for short periods and then pretends they never happened. At night, we invite her to sleep in our bed, which she does on occasion, but I usually find her on my office chair, on the back of the couch, on the lounger in our office or on a dining room chair.”


Furry Friends Fur-Ever Stories are compiled and written by Nomi Berger who is the bestselling author of seven novels, one work of non-fiction, two volumes of poetry, and hundreds of articles. She is a volunteer writer for Furry Friends in Vancouver, WA and also volunteers her writing skills to animal rescue groups in Canada and the USA.


Freyja and Kestrel Reynolds: Furry Friends Fur-Ever Tail


Marlow and the Stevens: Furry Friends Fur-Ever Tail